正规股票配资平台 顾客自带酒水被收取100元“开瓶费”,餐厅回应

发布日期:2024-07-24 21:53    点击次数:168

正规股票配资平台  顾客自带酒水被收取100元“开瓶费”,餐厅回应





被收100元“开瓶费” 拒绝支付称将起诉








就餐前明确告知 收的是额外餐具清洁费


















封面新闻记者 曹菲

责任编辑:廖泽宇 UN962


Many consumers will see a notice in the store saying "Do not bring your own drinks" when dining out. Some businesses will clearly inform customers that bringing your own drinks will incur a certain fee, commonly known as the "bottle opening fee". What would you do if you encountered this situation?

On May 15th, the Cover News Help Reporting Platform received a report stating that a customer was charged 100 yuan for bottle opening while dining at a restaurant on Sanse Road in Jinjiang District, Chengdu. The merchant responded that they had already agreed with the customer beforehand and charged an additional cleaning fee for the tableware. The lawyer stated that both the "bottle opening fee" and "cleaning fee" belong to the overbearing clause, and even if the restaurant informs consumers in advance, it is unreasonable and illegal, and consumers are not bound by it.

Customer complaints

Refused to pay a "bottle opening fee" of 100 yuan, claiming to sue

On the evening of May 15th, the netizen posted a video showing that he had a dispute with the staff over a 100 yuan "bottle opening fee" while dining at a restaurant on Sanse Road in Chengdu.

The restaurant staff in the video explained that the netizen brought their own wine while dining and did not consume the alcohol in the store, so they were charged a "service fee" of 100 yuan. They also stated that they had informed the customer before dining, "If you are not willing, you can skip this wine or dine here."

The netizen asked, "What is the service fee? Is the bottle opening fee? You didn't open it for us!" The staff did not directly respond to the statement of "bottle opening fee", only stating that it is "the cost of your dining and drinking services in the store.".

In this regard, the netizen insisted that the wine was brought by themselves and did not enjoy any service, refused to pay this fee, and stated in the video that they wanted to file a lawsuit.

The reporter sent a private message to the video publisher, hoping to further understand the situation. As of the time of publication, no response has been received.

Video screenshot

Merchant response

Before dining, it is clearly stated that the additional tableware cleaning fee will be charged

Is it really like this? On the morning of May 17th, the reporter called the restaurant involved, and a staff member said that the video content was true, but the incident occurred in mid April, not May 15th. "I forgot the specific date because it has been a long time, and I don't remember whether they paid in the end.".

The staff member emphasized again that the clerk had clearly informed the customer of the charging standard and method before the meal, and the relevant instructions also showed on the mobile phone scanning and ordering home page: "We had made an agreement before their meal, but the customer had a conflict with us when it came to the checkout because of the high level of Baijiu."

So, what exactly is this cost? The staff member responded, "This is for bottle opening services, as they bring their own things and may incur additional tableware cleaning fees."

According to the internet, the charging standard of the restaurant is "100 yuan for each bottle of red wine and Baijiu", which the staff denied, saying that the statement of 100 yuan for each bottle is inaccurate, and the charging standard is also different due to the different items brought by customers.



The reporter continued to inquire about the charging standards, but the other party hung up the phone citing "there was a call coming in".

Netizen comments

Some people believe that informing in advance is not a problem

The netizen posted a video of the dispute online, obviously questioning the reasonableness of the "bottle opening fee" and hoping to receive public support. However, below this video, there are polarized comments, and even more netizens believe that restaurants can charge a "bottle opening fee".

Most of the netizens supported the restaurant, commenting that "you should charge for bringing your own drinks, and the merchant told you in writing that there was nothing wrong with it", and the netizen roast that "don't go if you don't want to, it's not reasonable for anyone to send a video, and it feels like they are deliberately looking for trouble".

Another group of netizens support video publishers, commenting that "the Consumer Protection Law has long cancelled the bottle opening fee" and "calling the Industry and Commerce Bureau is illegal.".

A very small number of netizens belong to the "middle faction", stating that it is reasonable to charge a service fee for bringing their own drinks, but 100 yuan is too much.

Lawyer's explanation

Belonging to the overbearing clause, consumers are not bound by it

In fact, the discussion about "bottle opening fees" has been ongoing for many years. Many restaurants rely on alcohol to generate revenue, so they may set up clauses such as refusal to bring in alcohol and a bottle opening fee for bringing in alcohol, which indirectly forces customers to consume alcohol in the store. Nowadays, many businesses do not acknowledge that they are charging a "bottle opening fee", but vaguely refer to it as a "service fee". Many consumers, like netizens in the video comment section, are forced to accept this rule and believe that the fees are reasonable.

From a legal perspective, is the "bottle opening fee" reasonable and legal?

Regarding this, Fu Jian, the director of Henan Zejin Law Firm, explained that Article 26 of China's Consumer Protection Rights and Interests Law clearly stipulates that operators shall not make unfair and unreasonable provisions to consumers, such as excluding or restricting consumer rights, reducing or exempting operator responsibilities, and increasing consumer responsibilities, through standard clauses, notices正规股票配资平台 , statements, and store notices. They shall not use standard clauses and technical means to force transactions. If the format terms, notices, statements, store notices, etc. contain the contents listed in the preceding paragraph, their contents shall be invalid.

"The so-called 'bottle opening fee' is a disguised elimination of consumer rights, which is a domineering clause that is illegal and should be considered invalid." He said, "Even if restaurant staff inform in advance, this clause is still invalid because it infringes on consumers' right to choose and fair trade, which is unreasonable and illegal, and consumers are not bound by it."

Cover News Reporter Cao Fei

Responsible editor: Liao Zeyu UN962

重点词汇 谢绝 decline ; refuse ; deny oneself to ; close one's doors 酒水 beverage 俗称 be commonly called ; vulgo ; proverb 开瓶费 corkage 怎么做 how to do 锦江 Jinjiang ; Jingjiang ; JJS 三色 Tricolor ; three-colour 霸王条款 Overlord clause ; overlord terms ; arbitrary clause 不合理 unreasonable ; irrational 不合法 illegality ; wrongful ; wrongfulness


If the format terms, notices, statements, store notices, etc. contain the contents listed [in the preceding paragraph],

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